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Your Expert Source For Forming Business Entities in Nevada and other states.

Your Expert Source For Forming Business Entities in Nevada and other states.

Non-Profit Legal Entity

Nonprofits are exclusive beneficiaries of free radio and television Public Service Announcements (PSAs) provided by media outlets. A non-profit legal entity also referred to as a 501(c)(3) legal entity, is one recognized by the IRS as tax-exempt and organized for a public or charitable purpose.

A non-profit legal entity must have at least one director or trustee and, upon dissolution, must either distribute its assets to the state or federal government or to another non-profit.

Non-Profit Advantages

  • No taxes paid on income.
  • Lower postal rates on third-class bulk mailings.
  • Less expensive advertising rates.
  • Eligibility for many state and/or federal grants.

Non Profit Eligibility Rules

  • Organized and operated for various purposes.
  • Charitable purposes
  • Educational purposes
  • Religious purposes
  • Literary purposes
  • Scientific purposes
  • Gains are not distributed to directors, officers, or members.
  • Any assets remaining upon dissolution must be distributed to another qualified tax-exempt entity or group.
  • No participation in political campaigns for or against candidates for public office.
  • Not substantially engaged in grassroots legislative or political activities, except as permitted under federal tax rules.
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